Aggregation of feedback submitted since 2018-09 using the embed feedback form at the bottom of tutorials. Thank you everyone who submitted feedback!
3379 responses
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By topic
Assembly galaxy_instance
133 responses
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9 responses
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Detailed feedback
Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Sep 4, 2024 | short, comparison of two methods | tool versions, answers to the questions, adding bandage to workflow, generated bandage pics look completely dfferent |
Jun 24, 2024 | Most of it! I'm mostly informing y'all at galaxy about a specific issue. | The four images following this line "For a simple case, imagine a bacterial genome that contains a single repeated element in two separate places in the chromosome:" are unavailable for viewing. |
Aug 11, 2023 | Spades tutorial is correct | Velvet tutorial is not working, I follow the instructions and didn't got a final image it went white all, so think is something up to the tutorial or the tool |
Mar 25, 2019 | Easy to follow | |
Sep 19, 2018 | Everything works with provided data and the scale is good for use in class | Could you provide the fragment size separating the paired ends? It would also be nice to have more info for instructors about the genome for doing additional exercises based on the assemblies. |
34 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Feb 2, 2025 | all things | |
Oct 8, 2024 | Easy to understand for non experienced | |
Aug 24, 2024 | tPlease, give more information, for exmaple to put a video or more information it was difficult to think at the end I needed to push run/play button. There is a need to indicate the files to use if there is one or multiple files. | |
May 30, 2024 | that it explains why we are doing each step and how quality parameters should be, as well as telling you why our ensamble may be incorrect so you can correct your work | perhaps, that it could include a little bit more of theory but it was fine as it´s just a tutorial (i used this for studying really, not for practicing an assembly) |
Mar 22, 2024 | the workshop with lots of details and solution for every question | more detailed explanation about the Galaxy functions(how they work and the meaning of outputs) |
Mar 1, 2024 | it is friendly, and so useful | |
Dec 18, 2022 | I could follow step by step the directions | I was stacked in the velveth assembly cos I was in the wrong version of the program. Maybe is necessary to add this to the tutorial. |
Nov 20, 2022 | Everything, except the Velvet choice. | Use another software besides Velvet, since it's deprecated and it's not working. |
Jun 30, 2022 | most of the functionsare different what is given here | please insert screen shorts of the results, how the output look like |
Apr 26, 2022 | It is easy to follow up as you practice. | More examples to practice with. |
Mar 12, 2022 | Simplicity. | Considering this is an introduction to assembly, it would be helpful if the steps are complete as some steps may have been skipped. It would also be useful if pictures can be added for some steps. When ran, the results stated in this tutorial doesnt match with the output even if the instructions is strictly followed |
Oct 26, 2021 | Clarity, granularity, hands-on | Could have a similar tutorial for long read assembly (Nanopore, PB) , and I suppose 'hybrid assembly' , but this one is probably adequate for all these purposes. |
Feb 10, 2021 | you may show the progression files in green to show us the file we have after each step i have problem with FASTQ interlacer i follow the tutorials and after this step i have two files one of them is empty and it's not working for the further stem with velveth so i'm stock at this step i don'understand why | |
Oct 9, 2020 | Easy to follow | The options that appear now, are not the same that this tutorial shows. |
Jul 2, 2020 | Simple enough. | There isn't much information to give the learner the background to interpret their own data. There should be an introduction of what each of the parameters specified for the hands-on session means and why the learner should be setting them as instructed. That's the only way to know whether this tutorial is suitable for the learner's own dataset to follow. |
Jun 9, 2020 | The pace and the content covered are great!!! | |
Apr 18, 2020 | the hands on exercises | There was no Icarus viewer |
Oct 21, 2019 | Step by Step instructions | Feeding in multiple samples at the same time for FastQC |
Jun 3, 2019 | the real data analysis | provide links to the tool side by side |
8 responses
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Jan 15, 2021 | the explanations are well | |
Apr 16, 2019 | easy to follow, step by step |
1 responses
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Apr 1, 2020 | I miss some screenshot of how my data should look. At one point, in one of the steps where I had to choose some columns from a matrix to work on, I kept getting a wrong result. And I think the reason was, that I had something different in some of the columns than what I should have (so if for example I was asked to choose column 1, the data I was trying to get was actually in column 2) - if there were some screenshots of what the data should look like, I might have been able to see if I had a column too much |
7 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Aug 13, 2021 | The activity was very interactive with a good combination of theory and practical | The last step on NCBI BLAST search was not clear enough to a biginner like me |
May 18, 2021 | The basics of each step explained very clearly. | Maybe the names of the files which need to be put in the field for the tool. Took a bit of time to understand in few places. |
Feb 19, 2021 | How in depth and clear it was. | |
Feb 19, 2021 | it was very helpful. | |
Jan 19, 2021 | Très didactique | Peut être ajouter des copies d'écrans de l'historique ? (repérer les numéro d'actions) Mais peut être "anxiogène" si on a refait certaines opérations et que l'on perd ce repère de numéro...Donc non en fait :) |
Jul 28, 2020 | It was very detailed and easy to follow | |
Apr 22, 2020 | The format and outlining are fantastic | Add a screen shot or graphic to illustrate the major steps in this workflow |
30 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Sep 12, 2024 | I like the different tool options that the tutorial provided. | I could not reproduce "View Reads" section with the direction given above. |
May 22, 2023 | Interesting genome for tutorial and explanation of how to do long read assembly with short read polishing. | |
Mar 31, 2022 | pictures - screenshots can be added | |
Mar 22, 2022 | I learnt new tools that i haven't used before | |
Mar 17, 2022 | i liked on how to polish nano-pore reads | |
Mar 15, 2022 | Very easy to use and effective | |
Mar 15, 2022 | good intro course on assembly | some more theory about polishing and why |
Mar 15, 2022 | All aspect | Not much improvement |
Dec 23, 2021 | Circos plot of the data should also be included. | |
Nov 30, 2021 | Very assertive and good guidance | More intuitive guidance |
Jul 10, 2021 | The overall training session was really nice. | However, some more information regarding the viewing in Jbrowse should be discussed like what to analyse in Jbrowse, how to spot irregularities and how to spot meaningful data? What kind of useful data can be visualized or can we get from the visualization in the Jbrowse. |
Jun 30, 2021 | The idea of comparing long and short reads and how to use short reads to polish the results | It would be great if there was a little explanation of how the tools work |
Feb 20, 2021 | I´d like to know how I can get a unique assemble using more than one pair of Illumina reads for the same DNA, for example the same bacterial strain. It is possible? | |
Feb 16, 2021 | Loved the self training with new data at the end. Helps user create a workflow to re run the steps rapidly and compare results. The tutorials were very clear and easy to understand | |
Feb 15, 2021 | Clear and easy | |
Jan 2, 2021 | Clear Explanations | I noticed the "Note: this tool is heuristic; your results may differ slightly from the results here, and if repeated." But mine only showed one contig, with a length of 158kbp. I would consider this very different, not slightly different. Maybe add a few more examples of "slightly different" results I am running the tool again to see what I get. Additionally it took a long time to run this tool; almost an hour. So it would be nice to know approximately how long a tool is going to take, (given the fastq file & runtime parameters), or maybe show the log file while it is running (assuming the actual tool writes to the log file rather than just storing the info in memory and writing the log at the end...) |
14 responses
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Oct 9, 2024 | the messy assembly ;-) | |
Feb 15, 2024 | Hi all -- the reads for this tutorial are incorrect at the zenodo site. Both are interleaved fastq, and the second (labeled as the "reverse" file) has a content problem. The tutorial workflow will happily process the data as-is, except for a fastqc failure on that second file (reported as truncated). > End-User Workaround: use only the first file, de-interlace as a new first step, rename the split files, get rid of the originals (to avoid mixing up data), then proceed with the remainder of the tutorial. Self-pinging so I can find this later @jennaj | |
Feb 12, 2024 | Following the tutorial did not work in my hands. I loaded the data via Paste/Fetch, but already in the FastQC step I get an error for dataset 2: "An error occurred with this dataset: format txt database ?" | |
Jan 17, 2024 | The explanations are very clear and the tutorial is very easy to follow | The Table to GFF3 is no longer available, so I couldn't finish the tutorial. And I didn't find an alternative tool to Table to GFF3. |
Jul 8, 2021 | the lessons | not sure |
3 responses
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Dec 13, 2023 | It is very well explained and it's in a easy way to understand all the commands and what they do. | |
Feb 21, 2022 | A clean flowchart of methods with an explanation for the purpose of each step. | As a case study, a bad genome assembly or an assembly with incorrect parameters in various steps could be shown |
2 responses
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Sep 1, 2022 | To test the tools of assembly in a control dataset | I think it could be valable to understand the tools and the parameters of the tools while using them: to not do it without thinking it through. I think it is better to understand to remember. |
Jun 8, 2022 | straightforward | would have liked to have some practice viewing the assembly graphs and with visual methods for comparing genomes (e.g. dot, synteny plots) |
3 responses
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Oct 25, 2022 | Table to gff3 tool does not exist anymore. When I use the tutorial mode on galaxy and click on the table to gff3 hyperlink button, i get this message: Loading tool failed: Could not find tool with id ''. Do you have any advice on which other tool to use? Also, in a prior feedback I mentioned that I could not find select the lines, but it is actually there I found it in the end. sorry for the mistake. | |
Oct 25, 2022 | It was easy to follow the steps and the functions ran in a good amount of time (relatively fast) | - I got stuck in staramr. there was a recurrent error due to ERROR: 'Predicted Phenotype'. This error was reported. it appears to be due to a problem of compatibility with the pandas version ( - Genome annotation using Prokka, step 2 (Select lines that match an expression) has changed names to Search in Textfiles (grep) - Table to GFF3 function: I was unable to find this function under the Galaxy tools. downstream commands could not be ran. |
6 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Jul 6, 2024 | the info structure | |
Jan 10, 2024 | The 'easy-to-understand' way of explaining the whole process |
1 responses
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Jun 26, 2023 | Everything! | It's awesome! |
1 responses
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Jun 25, 2024 | great! I liked that I was able to use multiple methods to check the quality of my genome assembly. | The Chromeister tool is not available in the tools search menu as of today on Galaxy (the US instatnce). Also, I would have appreciated more orientation to the plots generated in " Hands-on: K-mer based evaluation with Merqury". I had a difficult answering the follow-up question because I was unsure what all of the axes and lables meant. |
3 responses
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Jan 28, 2025 | I liked that it was very much step by step. And the images were helpful to understand what was ment by the description. | The workflows are not informative to understanding how they are constructed. For example, I received errors that the incorrect input data was used, but his occurred on the second Meryl job. I was not sure if this was my error or an output error of the output from the first job. Additionally, I felt like my data and histories were all over the place and I had no idea how to remove datasets from builds or move data around, then data became hidden and deleted data still existed. It would be nice to learn to navigate reorganizing histories. |
Aug 16, 2024 | Very helpful to do the long pipeline with the Yeast then the short pipeline with your own data. | In figure 7, you refer to Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), but then in the next sentence talk about zebra finch. |
3 responses
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Oct 8, 2024 | long reads, | too short and very specific |
5 responses
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Nov 11, 2024 | gfastats was not working and I could not remove the sequences at the end of the tutorial | |
Nov 1, 2024 | everything except the two points below in the "what could be improved" section | In the Parse mitochondrial blast section, I got two output files. The tutorial doesn't mention that there are two, and it tells me to rename the output, but doesn't tell me which one. In the final step (gfastats), it's not clear what the input file should be. The tutorial just says, "output (Input dataset)"...which unless I missed something isn't helpful at all. |
Oct 11, 2024 | some details are lacking in instructions | |
Oct 8, 2024 | blast took more than one hour, maybe the step can be omitted in the tutorial and the results file can be provided? |
3 responses
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Jan 22, 2025 | Please explain how to interpret all statistics from the html Quast report, I personally was trying to understand the Read Mapping section and there is barely any information about it | |
Jan 21, 2025 | metaQuast was not in our tools and if we want to bait our data, which tools we can used? |
Climate galaxy_instance
8 responses
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3 responses
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Oct 14, 2021 | Very nice intro. Learned about the difference between climate and weather! | |
Oct 8, 2021 | Clear introduction in using galaxy to explore/map climate data. | More detailed explanation of the inputs @map plot gridded (lat/lon) netCDF data. Did not understand the R as input “variable name as given in the netCDF file”. For other Essential Climate Variables I guess Ill have to change that input? |
Jul 19, 2020 | Exposure to climate concepts and tool choices. |
1 responses
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May 5, 2021 | Sometimes it is hard to find a specific thing that we need to click on when we don't know where it is located on the screen. |
2 responses
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1 responses
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1 responses
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Computational chemistry galaxy_instance
42 responses
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6 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Jan 19, 2024 | step by step demos and the scientifc background behind each step | |
Jun 10, 2023 | Everything | If the NxN clustering dendrogram uses Tanimoto similarity, shouldn't it be the higher the the horizontal line, the more similar the data points are to each other? |
Jul 31, 2021 | AWWWWWWWWWWWWSOME | |
Sep 26, 2020 | Its a neat tutorial. | There is no source code for me to follow along. I pulled the autodock vina docker image down and am trying to learn how to use it and this did not give me any commands to execute in the docker container. Everything is coupled to this galaxy software and I just need source code. |
Nov 11, 2019 | The whole process of creating molecules | A video or two illustrating the end goal |
3 responses
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Feb 29, 2024 | Everything is in steps and clearly explained. Very well done. | |
Nov 18, 2019 | The feeling of creating something on my own | Nothing |
9 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Aug 13, 2024 | out of date , but corrected still | |
Oct 31, 2022 | method present and images | |
Jun 8, 2022 | The explanation of every step which provide understanding even to beginners. | The different methods used in different steps of simulation should be explain in a such a way that the person can understand which method he should apply to his experiment. |
Feb 26, 2022 | Easy to follow and execute. | The order of selecting parameters can be sequential as it appears on the galaxy platform |
Dec 7, 2021 | Easy to follow, good reasoning for each step, mostly successful results | For some reason, I can't get this to work with NMR-derived pdb files |
Jan 11, 2020 | Interpretation of the results and being easy to follow | Adding more explanation on how to visualize the trajectory, completing the analysis, also showing how to perform this run with a ligand also will be highly appreciated. |
6 responses
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Oct 17, 2023 | Extremely easy to follow and I was so impressed that it all works as described. Good maintenance :) | I had the mental model of a Jupyter Notebook coming in, so I was trying to figure out how to open the tutorial in my account view. |
Jan 12, 2023 | The interpretation of RMSD, RMSF, and PCA plots. | |
Feb 26, 2022 | The further analysis links seems to be broken/unavailable: | |
Oct 28, 2021 | yes | yes |
May 21, 2020 | Analysis of Rg, Hydrogen bonds can also be explained |
13 responses
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Mar 19, 2023 | There are error when running it. Tools have different versions and some files create with one tool can not be read for another tool. This is the error in Gromacs log for the Production Simulation : "Attempting to read a checkpoint file of version 22 with code of version 20". And the same is happening in the other Galaxy history about Molecular Dynamics. | |
Mar 17, 2023 | The tutorial try to explain what is doing when selecting params or values. | Maybe, some animations about the simulation trajectory. |
Aug 14, 2022 | merge gromacs topologies doesn't exist in It was not possible to complete the tutorial without this tool | |
Mar 30, 2022 | Great tutorial for intoducing the computational chemistry | |
Mar 29, 2022 | optimization | everything is perfect! |
Mar 16, 2022 | Very simple to understand easy to do | Nothing, it is very complete |
Jul 15, 2021 | Easy to go through and explanations help to understand the results better. | Too many abbreviations |
Feb 28, 2021 | Explanations and step by by procedure explained |
5 responses
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Sep 5, 2023 | Very clear. Most of it worked. | "Pose scoring with TransFS" crashed for me. Error message said "No score found for record xxxx" for every molecule |
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material galaxy_instance
27 responses
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7 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Jun 28, 2024 | Clear steps | A warning that the 'listen' gem will guide you to the local instance via '' which gives an 'unable to connect' screen. Even changing to 'httpS://...' does not work. Because of that, I spent a bit too much time debugging that while the link provided in the tutorial (http://localhost:4000/training-material/) does work. |
Oct 23, 2021 | I have got the following error. The tutorial did not work for me. training-material$ make serve find: ‘_site/training-material’: No such file or directory find: ‘_site/training-material/*/*/slides/*’: No such file or directory find: ‘_site/training-material’: No such file or directory Tip: Want faster builds? Use 'serve-quick' in place of 'serve'. Tip: to serve in incremental mode (faster rebuilds), use the command: make serve FLAGS=--incremental mv: cannot stat 'Gemfile': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat 'Gemfile.lock': No such file or directory Configuration file: /home/alice/scchoi/downloads/training-material/_config.yml Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have /home/alice/scchoi/downloads/training-material/_plugins/jekyll-environment_variables.rb or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. If you've run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, ensure that you have included the /home/alice/scchoi/downloads/training-material/_plugins/jekyll-environment_variables.rb gem in your Gemfile as well. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- bibtex' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at! ------------------------------------------------ Jekyll 4.2.1 Please append `--trace` to the `serve` command for any additional information or backtrace. ---------------------------- | |
May 19, 2021 | Everything :) | "topics/introduction/tutorials/galaxy-intro-peaks2genes/" is no longer found, example can be changed to "topics/introduction/tutorials/r-basics/" instead |
Jun 19, 2019 | Clearly explained. | In the first step (install requirements) - does there need to be an extra step before step 5, that says "conda activate galaxy_training_material" ? |
Feb 8, 2019 | Clear wording. | As a Windows user, I was not able to install requirements successfully. |
Oct 22, 2018 | Very very straightforward ! | Nothing... |
1 responses
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Feb 16, 2019 | the option to automatically extract all steps of my workflow instead of typing them all is sooooo increadibly helpful!!! |
2 responses
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May 28, 2024 | I back 🇨🇦 |
6 responses
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May 19, 2021 | That it is a step by step <3 | The master branch on my side is called main |
Oct 21, 2020 | Very clear directions - thank you! The key points at the end are a great concise summary. | |
Apr 20, 2020 | Liked the clean explanation with visuals. Great Job. In clears the process flow for beginners. | 1) In situations where I'm working on a feature "F1" in branch "B1", while I prepare to make a PR, do I need to keep my local up-to date with Upstream before PR? 2) After deciding my feature branch is good to go for PR, can I checkout to Master and pull my feature first? What's the process for updating my Master with my new feature I developed? Please answer this. I always have this confusion. Thanks. |
Apr 19, 2020 | The presentation was very clear | |
Aug 30, 2019 | Every thing was great especially the graphics. Thanks for all the help!! | Every thing is fine and up to date though I am not an expert! |
Aug 26, 2019 | It's easy to understand | More diagrams |
3 responses
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Feb 11, 2020 | the "Testing the workflow" part | I had to deal with "fetch_url_whitelist" option, as my input file was located on my galaxy server. |
Feb 11, 2020 | the "Testing the workflow" part | I had to deal with "fetch_url_whitelist" option, as my input file was located on my galaxy server. |
6 responses
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Aug 14, 2024 | Everything is described very extensively and nicely and it's easy to follow | Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get through the "Build and preview the GTN website" and "Editing Training Materials on GitPod", I can modify the md template, but it doesn't get reflected in the preview. Clicking on the server address also throws me an error :/ |
Mar 27, 2023 | Good alternative to local running of GTN, thanks | |
Nov 29, 2022 | step by step, screenshots, global structure of the training content, indications when things seem to get wrong when in fact it is not, good job! | Difficult to know what to do when GitPod sends back an error after the "make serve-gitpod" command instead of serving a preview of GTN. I can guess it is a GitPod problem and not a GTN tutorial problem, still I feel helpless not knowing what to do to solve this problem. |
Oct 12, 2021 | Very detailed | It would help if the sites name and the drop-down button at the top is static. So even when I scroll to to end of this page, I can easily click on the drop-down button and access other files without having to scroll all the way back up |
Jul 8, 2021 | Very complete, sufficiently detailed to allow non-computer-science people to go through this with all the questions we could have being answered. | The video from GCC2021 training week corresponding to this topic is also very well. Maybe a link to this video for people who need to see things in movement to be reassured would be nice :) |
2 responses
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Mar 28, 2022 | The directions on how to create a pull request | i think a video could me made. |
Oct 11, 2021 | The tutorial is so detailed that even a preschooler would get it by simply following the steps! I found it so useful, I'm going to make my first contribution right away! | I'd suggest each of the topics under the "objectives" in the overview box be made clickable, so each topic can be reached right from the top without having to scroll all the way down the page. |
Development in Galaxy galaxy_instance
8 responses
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5 responses
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Date | What did you like? | What could be improved? |
Jul 11, 2023 | Comprehensive | end data tag is missing in outputs section , xml will fail to lint |
Mar 15, 2022 | Explanations on how to create a galaxy tool | Put planemo install first |
Mar 15, 2022 | clear for a beginner | maybe planemo could be the first step, because needed in the wrapper section |
Feb 21, 2022 | As usal, the step by step procedures. | It is not clear that we have to set up the test-data folder and collect the bam files by our own for passing the test in the planemo section. |
Jul 1, 2021 | Plenty of detail, teaching by example, and context provided | > Written in markdown ### General - Should I be working in a clone of `galaxyproject/galaxy`? - Where are all the galaxy tools? They don't seem to be in the galaxy/tools/ dir? This is covered well in the "contributing" video at the end but could have mentioned briefly at the start. More generally, it would be good to explain that `galaxy-core` has built-in tools (with no `.shed.yml` file) and that all contributed tools (like we're building) are installed from an available toolshed. - I'm not sure if I should actually be following along with all of this... should I actually make a PR for a new Bioconda package in a tutorial? It would be great to clarify what the participant should be doing NOW versus what they would do in a genuine tool wrap. Also, presumably the package sometimes exists already in Bioconda? (I used an existing conda package in my 'practice' tool wrap). - At the end of the "Toolshed file" section: "In the case where the directory represents a group of tools or a ‘suite’, there are additional overarching sections into which the above tags fall" ... seems to imply that parent dirs can/should have a `.shed.yml` file too? Or is it only in `suite` and `suite/tool` dirs? Would be great to clarify or provide a link to a toolshed on GitHub as an example. - "Macros" section: should note that whitespace inside `<token>` tags matters, and it will not be trimmed by the XML parser! (Should be picked up by the `planemo lint`) ### Typos - `bellerophon.xml` typo under "discover datasets": `directory="outputs"/>>` - And "Outputs section" (should have closing `/>` on `<data>` according to planemo): `<data name="outfile" label="${} on ${on_string}" format="bam">` - "crate an ad-hoc Galaxy" ### Planemo - Didn't work when `pip` installed into `conda` env (dependancy errors). `pip` install into a `virtualenv` env worked. - `pip` installing `planemo` into virtualenv requires `apt install python3-venv` as a dependancy **Some small issues with Planemo** - `tool_test_output.html` output is a bit weird to navigate - buttons don't look like buttons (no hover effect) so most of the content is hidden until you realise there are clickable elements - `planemo serve` doesn't print the local address at the end of output (had to scroll up a few pages to find ``) |
2 responses
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Apr 18, 2023 | - (Maybe just me) Too much content, too fast. - Account on a production Galaxy instance is required. I did not have one and it took me a while to get set up - Some familiarity with Jupyter Notebooks seems to be another prerequisite |
1 responses
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Dec 7, 2023 | Good tutorial, but it is outdated. There is no training branch to be found on the galaxy Github (no old training, no new training2022 or the like). I managed to find the branch here: and cloned which made me able to do the training. But I believe that is the reason there were minor differences furtherdown the tutorial as it is a year old so I think this is the problem that would fix the rest. | Updating to latest changes |
Ecology galaxy_instance
15 responses
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3 responses
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1 responses
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2 responses
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Jan 20, 2021 | Very clear | Where to find the tools (not always easy in the toolbar) |
2 responses
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Apr 14, 2021 | I liked that it is possible to use real data and explore multiple tools. It was relatively easy to follow all the way to the final step. I could also take the Structure output and run it through Structure in Galaxy or in my own PC to further demonstrate that the SNP data can be analysed with population genomic software. | Some of the instructions need to be updated to the latest versions of the tools available in Galaxy. I could not tell which population (1 or 2) was the freshwater and which one was the oceanic, so I assumed 1=freshwater, 2=oceanic. It would also be good to see some of the "expected" results, just to verify that what has been done is working fine and that students are on the right track. |
2 responses
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Jul 27, 2023 | Very helpful tutorial, thank you for posting it! | You should state explicitly what the input file(s) should be at each step. Each function produces multiple outputs; It is not clear what I am supposed to run Stacks: populations ON, for instance. |
Jul 12, 2023 | I liked that there was an example dataset to follow along with, and questions to be answered as you went along. It really helped me understand what I was supposed to be looking for, whether something was actually working or not, and what real outputs would look like. | Stacks (not sure about Stacks2) process_radtags doesn't work when the data are converted from fastqsanger.gz to fastqsanger. Data have to be left in the fastqsanger.gz format to properly demultiplex. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why this step of the tutorial wasn't working. Also, I couldn't find the Charts function, so I ended up skipping this step of the tutorial. |
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Nov 28, 2024 | Hi, either I am doing something wrong, but recentrifuge returns an error, Unsupported file format, when submitted with Kraken2 Report file, as the tutorial suggests. It works with Kraken2 Classification file. Here is my history on Galaxy Europe: | |
Mar 27, 2024 | I found the tutorial very instructive, but special kudos to the contamination identification section with the Recentrifuge interactive plot. Many thanks! | When clicking on the Recentrifuge reference pointing to the paper, I see the DOI appears incomplete: it should be 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006967 (the last number is missing on the tutorial). |
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Apr 23, 2024 | Reusability and ease of execution, it's really neat! | There seems to be more columns in OBIS data now, so it is maybe better to cut based on column names and not based on hard coded column number. May I also suggest to include the link to obisindicators in the text ? The text states "Obisindicators is an R library developed during the 2022 IOOS Code Sprint. The purpose was to create an ES50 diversity index within hexagonal grids following the diversity indicators notebook by Pieter Provoost linked above. " but I didn't manage to find the link. Thank you so much!! |
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1 responses
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Jan 23, 2025 | yes | some of the things to select in “Input table” arent very clear like : "formatted biodiversity data file" |
Epigenetics galaxy_instance
68 responses
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1 responses
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9 responses
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Feb 3, 2024 | Details | For someone trying without support, there are some mandatory fields in hicbuildmatrix that are not explained: 1. Need to add the hicfindrestsite step to generate the compulsory contact bed file 2. Need to add a dangling sequence for the restriction enzyme for hicbuildmatrix |
Jan 5, 2023 | The tutorial was simple to follow and was a great balance between guidance and letting do things myself | Some of the steps seem outdated with some parameter having changed names or being not available anymore. But it doesn't prevent the completion of the tutorial. |
Jan 3, 2023 | I like the detailed instructions of this tool. | When I tred to follow the steps of hicBuildMatrix and ran it on usegalaxy. It showed that I need to provide BED file with all restriction cut places. Could you tell me how to choose to use the bin size or where I can find the BED file? |
Feb 1, 2021 | Covered all the steps | Parameters could have been explained |
Jul 19, 2020 | step wise explanation was very clear | comparison of two HiC datasets |
Dec 9, 2019 | Note from @jennaj: Noticed mismatched tools across tuto components. The "Reads mapping" step description states "We have used the HiCExplorer successfully with bwa, bowtie2 and hisat2. In this tutorial we will be using Map with BWA-MEM tool." *However* the "Hands-on: Mapping reads" box has the mapping tool specified as "Map with Bowtie". The tool name doesn't fully match a Galaxy wrapped tool but looks as if it was intended to match "Map with Bowtie for Illumina" tool from some earlier tutorial revision, but the tool options/settings are actually for "Bowtie2" (tweak SAM/BAM output). The tuto workflow uses "Map with BWA-MEM (Galaxy Version 0.8.0)" which isn't available at EU or ORG (or that version is hidden in the tool panel + tool versions menu). --------- Punchline ... three different tools are mixed up, at the first step of the tuto after loading the initial fastq inputs. Probably should adjust to make all for either Bowtie2 or BWA-MEM using a version available at EU (so it can be run there). Be nice to have this work at (at least) one of the usegalaxy.* servers :) ORG doesn't include HiC tools. Will ticket this and whatever else is found after reviewing the remainder of steps. | |
Feb 28, 2019 | Nothing bad, just I do not have sufficient background knowledge to comprehend everything. Nevertheless, very well-structured for a beginner to learn. | |
Sep 18, 2018 | perfect step by step !!!! | maybe use human data ?? |
13 responses
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Oct 24, 2024 | option along with version numbres help | |
Oct 23, 2024 | more example | |
Apr 7, 2024 | Actually, I encountered an error while transforming the MethylDackel file to a bedgraph file. The error message was: "unrecognized line 1 of trackless: chr1 5190715 5190717 100 1 0". After that, I wasn’t able to replicate the subsequent steps. I suggest providing clearer instructions for each step. Additionally, I would like to know more about how to group the data for analysis. This part feels a bit too concise. Overall, this material has been helpful for me to apply it to my own data, although I may need to explore additional tools&Analysis on my own. Thank you! And I was wondering if it is possible to build a comprehensive analysis workflow for Methyl-BS-Seq data in Galaxy similar to the cross-package Bioconductor workflow for analyzing methylation array data (published in F1000Research). :) | |
Jun 9, 2022 | nothing | everything |
Jan 13, 2022 | Data set can not be found | |
Nov 17, 2021 | The programs were not available at Galaxy | |
Sep 20, 2021 | It would be great if this can be updated based on the newest version of the packages used in the tutorial. Some of the parameters cannot be set as shown in this tutorial or should be set in a different way. | |
Sep 8, 2021 | Instructions about finding tutorial data in a Data Library need to be updated. In this tutorial and probably others. Tutorial data is now nested at usegalaxy.* servers -- and that change is confusing some learners. I've been telling people to search data libraries with the keyword "GTN" then to navigate down through the topic to the specific tutorial. Not all public servers will host the data in Data Libs, so even that advice needs a tune up to be consistent/accurate across tutorials. (@jennaj) | |
Mar 24, 2020 | The degree of detail. I loved that even the parameters for the different tools were explained. I don't know if this is comparable to a real experiment analysis, but it surely felt as that. Congrats! | The Genrich tool is only available at the GalaxyEurope server. It would be nice that a warning would be given at the beginning of the tutorial, so that the whole analysis could be done there and avoid migrating data between Galaxy servers. |
Feb 4, 2020 | The tutorial is self explanatory and very easy to follow for individual hands on | |
Sep 26, 2019 | The good explanations during hands-on training | Maybe too different analysis for one day (HiC and epigentics), maybe a longer session for each would help understanding |
9 responses
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Dec 22, 2024 | Step-by-step-tutorial --> very clear what to do | I personally often did not understand why we do this step. I would need a lot more explanations. Like that, I just followed the instructions without understanding what I was doing. |
Jun 13, 2022 | it was clear | maybe you could explain the file formats and what the tools do in a more clean way |
Dec 16, 2021 | Well detailed method of ChIPseq and associated explanations | The title in itself doesn't really reflect the final results of the tutorial, with the data used one do not really identify TAD on the inactive X chromosome... |
Jan 10, 2020 | In step 6 it is explained to insert each of the datasets one after the other (with Concatenate datasets tail-to-head). However, one can insert more than one dataset at once with this tool, so why not do that? Also, it should read "Redo for the remaining four outputs of MACS2 callpeak" - it is six in total and in the first step you concatenate two and then add the remaining. Why are the bedgraph files created if they are not used for anything? |
25 responses
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Oct 25, 2024 | easy to follow | show how to use mulitiple replicates |
Nov 30, 2022 | For the areas where they mention that other analysis options or functions are available please link to other website containing information about those options | |
Mar 22, 2022 | The fact that there are explanations for all steps. | All were perfect!!! |
Jun 18, 2021 | Everything was explained in detail, easy to follow | |
May 10, 2021 | The depth of the tutorial, the examples of bad quality data, the explanation why these tools are used and sometimes alternatives, and the overview figure in the conclusion. | |
Apr 21, 2021 | Easy to follow | |
Oct 15, 2020 | Everything | it is good overall |
May 29, 2020 | Detailed explanation of each step | Comparison of two ATAC-Seq datasets |
May 28, 2020 | Quite easy to follow | Bit more interpretation of output |
Apr 12, 2020 | Entire organization, rationale for the steps taken | link to smaple out put or all steps like EMBOSS tutorial does |
Mar 24, 2020 | The degree of detail. I loved that even the parameters for the different tools were explained. I don't know if this is comparable to a real experiment analysis, but it surely felt as that. Congrats! | The Genrich tool is only available at the GalaxyEurope server. It would be nice that a warning would be given at the beginning of the tutorial, so that the whole analysis could be done there and avoid migrating data between Galaxy servers. |
Mar 10, 2020 | I have to say the full workflow is very useful for the people who did't know this for a long time, thank you so much. but the tool 'Genrich',I did't find it on the Galaxy... | I can't find some tools in Galaxy, |
Feb 26, 2020 | so great!!! its so helpful!!!!! | nothing. |
Feb 25, 2020 | The easiness and the clarity of the examples provided. | A print version of the tutorial or pdf to save for offline use. |
Dec 12, 2019 | a good resource for a training session | too many steps where you have to 'prepare' data, e.g. sorting the provided bed file |
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Jul 1, 2021 | update is required |
5 responses
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Aug 13, 2024 | el tener una idea clara de como es el protocolo | la última parte del análisis está pobre en imágenes de los resultados y es la parte más interesante del análisis del chip-seq.No pude hacer la parte de "Click “Visualize” on the page header and select “Create Visualization”" porque no aparecían esas opciones |
Jul 11, 2023 | It is a wonderful tutorial. I am extremely thankful for sharing such an informative and detailed tutorial. I wish that for all topics be the same. |
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Jan 15, 2025 | Could you include the methods for spike-in normalization? | |
Nov 19, 2024 | modification in MACS2 to detect peaks | plotting heatmaps and explaining each part , more explanation in video format , |
Oct 17, 2024 | customization for Cut and run using MACS2 and all the QC | I would like ot understand more about each type of graphs how to understand for different Cut and run expt eg how input will differ from TF or the Histone mark antibodies, also would like a video of this sometimes there is better explanation than written. |
Evolution galaxy_instance
20 responses
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10 responses
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Jun 29, 2024 | Tools for identification of drug resistance and generating transmission cluster pattern | |
Oct 31, 2023 | Very clear tutorial | |
Oct 8, 2023 | It was great to see that I achieved results by following the tutorial. | In Part-1 Rstudio step was difficult to understand for me. |
Jan 7, 2023 | All except the R studio that is not yet clear | Rstudio |
Jul 5, 2022 | This hands on tutorial made me understands some of the concepts raised in the webnar | A note on the estimated run time of the on the provided data, this will help to know if i have done something wrong. |
7 responses
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Jun 12, 2024 | the ease of using RStudio to manipulate the phylogenetic tree | It would have been an added bonus to show how to map multiple metadata (origin, time of sampling, DR-mutation, the same time) on the tree in R. |
Oct 30, 2023 | How to develop and analyse a phylogenetic tree | |
Oct 5, 2023 | The pipelines | Time to go through all tutorial. |
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Jul 1, 2024 | The materials presented and resources provided where put together well. I liked that questions could be asked throughout the presentation and that I could ask basic questions without feeling like they were too basic. I think the content was well pitched for someone like me who had phylogenetic training 20 years ago. I liked the breadth of the content covered but my knowledge is so poor that it did overwhelm me towards the end. That was expected though. | Although I can see the workshop can't go any longer, as my brain couldn't cope, I did struggle towards the end to keep pace with everything. Having said that, it was good to get the breadth of content in and I will enjoy revisiting the resources provided to consolidate the knowledge. A follow up workshop is really needed as the distance matrices and the best models to choose seemed like they needed more time spent on them. |
Jun 15, 2024 | Please Provide the way to plot a mid point root tree. | |
May 28, 2024 | It was clear and well handled from basics to hands on tutorial | I would add an aminoacid sequence example |
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research galaxy_instance
10 responses
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2 responses
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Mar 11, 2024 | It's a clear overview of all the functionality that's available in the ro-crate-py package - I feel like I have a good understanding of how to use it going forward | - clearer distinction between commands that must be run in a terminal (e.g. mkdir) and commands that can be run in a notebook. Also the terminal commands are assuming JupyterLab is running on a Linux machine which may not be the case. - The example for the `rocrate add` command could be improved by creating a separate repo for the data rather than cloning the whole ro-crate-py repo. Having to deal with a long path of nested directories makes it harder to follow this section. |
1 responses
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Apr 2, 2024 | I liked the topic itself, as well as the hands on guidelines with quiz | The narrative is to long and to monotonous. It can be simplified. |
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Oct 9, 2024 | The rich documentation |
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1 responses
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Foundations of Data Science galaxy_instance
61 responses
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22 responses
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Jun 10, 2024 | Structured logically and well, Nice integration of Biological themes compared to other R tutorials. | Received some outputs (using Posit Cloud) that were different than expected, causing some confusion: 'snp_positions[snp_positions > 100000000]' returned items LESS than that number, and '<' returned the item greater than that number. |
May 24, 2024 | The pace | New tutorial working with sequencing data |
May 25, 2023 | Great explanations and pace | |
May 24, 2023 | All the steps and the clarifications | |
Nov 9, 2022 | Flow of information | Add videos and demonstrations |
Sep 9, 2021 | none of the essentials is working gx_put(), gx_get(), and gx_save() | none of the essentials is working gx_put(), gx_get(), and gx_save() |
Mar 28, 2021 | Simple languange, hands-on example and exercises with answers hidden. | I know it is a lot to ask, but adding matrices would be helpful |
Feb 17, 2021 | I like the examples,being related to genomics . | I am not sure if I would grasp it without previous knowledge. |
Feb 15, 2021 | Very helpful basics of R | |
Sep 19, 2020 | The hands on explanations | Couple of sections where the description is a little vague |
Aug 2, 2020 | Good with exercises | > snp_chromosomes_2 <- as.numeric(snp_chromosomes_2) Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion In the above code, I think need to correct object name from snp_chromoosome_2 to chromosme_2 (we assigned this name) |
Jun 30, 2020 | Good guide, with usefull examples | |
Jun 7, 2020 | Thank you so much for providing the related material for R | |
Apr 3, 2020 | It was easy to follow | |
Feb 12, 2020 | The instructions were clear and neat. Also, it covers important aspects of the language. | There should be one task that push us to combine and use the learned knowledge. |
8 responses
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Dec 15, 2022 | generally excellent | the file used is different from the tutorial |
Feb 15, 2021 | Very interesting libraries (tidyr and dplyr) for data analysis | More self training exercise |
Dec 3, 2020 | so easy and clear | |
Jul 3, 2020 | Easy to follow and very usefull examples |
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1 responses
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4 responses
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Nov 15, 2024 | igv | |
Jul 10, 2023 | The step-by-step explanation of the entire pipeline | Some of the commands are incorrect, and some of the explanations are not clear enough |
May 16, 2023 | very intuitive and colors of the page helps alot, thank you | |
May 4, 2023 | quite explanatory, understandable terms | update it or make sure the platform possesses the features explained by the tutorial. "Less" command was not available. There is no command or instructions to generate dc folder |
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Sep 1, 2023 | It's so didactic, well thought over and it encompasses all the dark corners of jq usage. | I had a hard finding the dataset used in this tutorial because the url are no longer available. Managed to find the .tsv files that I've converted back to json |
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Jan 12, 2025 | math the last exercice | do another exrecices |
Jan 19, 2024 | Its easy to understand | Some videos would be more useful |
Oct 19, 2023 | I think it was very straightforward and easy to follow | This part: Given the following variables: a = 2 b = 1 c = -1 I think the variables should be separated, I was really confused for a bit |
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May 19, 2024 | Explanatory steps to follow | Points directs to the code rather than too many words to extract data |
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Jun 19, 2024 | Generally clear work flow examples | Split file according to the values of a column does not appear as a too. I managed to use split by groups. The regular expressions section is totally unintelligible and needs a complete re-write for clarity |
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Aug 19, 2024 | When running the code to download the files, I was getting error messages and was unable to download them leaving me unable to get the full experience in the Jupyter notebook in the files and csv training in the introductory training. |
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Sep 6, 2024 | Well explained, lots of examples | Was not able to download the dataset |
9 responses
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Sep 17, 2024 | I liked the challenge it presented, especially as I got every single one wrong on the first try. I, good practice to make sure you get it right in the end. | I am not sure that I would change anything, except, I am not sure if some of my answers were correct or not, which may or may not be done to using a mac. |
Sep 16, 2024 | The support in the troubleshooting room was great, they quickly helped clear up my initial confusion on what we were being asked to do. | It wasn't clear in the guidance what we were being asked to do during the tutorial. It wasn't obvious to everyone that for the first section we weren't required to try out the code ourselves but instead had to just hit shift/enter to see the result of the examples given. |
Sep 16, 2024 | learning something new | |
Sep 16, 2024 | I need a bit of guidance with this probably a one to one or a tutorial | |
Sep 16, 2024 | That it showed you how the codes worked after running them and what they looked like before | More of an explanation to help understand/remember the codes and why they work that way. It's a lot of information to take in for someone with no coding background. |
Sep 16, 2024 | Unfortunately nothing | The instructions are not clear, this put me off python completely. I use excel so understand the text bit but accessing and interacting with the software did not work on my computor, the instructions are not direct, they say open a new terminal when "terminal" is not an option under file - new. Very frustrating experience, will not repeat. |
Sep 16, 2024 | Good to practice, explained pretty well, even to a novice! |
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Jan 1, 2025 | The precise explanation of the terms |
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Jan 16, 2025 | The tutorial was well-structured. | |
Jan 16, 2025 | Examples are quite application based | it seems fine to me |
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1 responses
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Galaxy Server administration galaxy_instance
183 responses
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21 responses
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Mar 18, 2022 | The straightforward pedagogical approach | I think it is perfect as is |
Mar 15, 2022 | For me it is not clear wether the apikey example use of vaults is the best. Might it be better to set an example about ssh passwords to connect remote servers? | |
Nov 4, 2021 | Really clearly written and well explained, including details that can go wrong or be confusing (the cowsay bit gave me a chuckle). Not overwhelming, unlike some other tutorials I tried. | |
Feb 1, 2021 | It gave an excellent crash course in Ansible and how best to use it in Galaxy | Possibly one or two links to other Ansible resources in the docco, but can't think of anything else. |
Jan 25, 2021 | The incremental approach to a rather complex system | I was confused at first by the "service" service. More real, less abstract examples would be clearer, IMO |
Jan 25, 2021 | specifiying that all commands (including andible-galaxy) should be rin in the `intro` directory, I had to rsync my new `~/roles` folder to intro | |
Jan 25, 2021 | It is easy to follow | |
Jan 25, 2021 | Clear examples | More information on using git repos with ansible would be helpful |
Jul 17, 2020 | This is something new. I enjoyed it. | |
Mar 2, 2020 | All of it | Looks very good, with basic sample tasks. |
Feb 14, 2020 | Step-by-Step guide, simple and well informative | |
Jul 1, 2019 | Examples and documentation are easy to follow | |
Nov 15, 2018 | TEST | TEST |
Nov 2, 2018 | excellent intro, thanks! | |
Oct 30, 2018 | It's easy to follow. | For clean Ubuntu 18.04 Ansible couldn't find python (it was not installed, weird), so it crashed. There should be rule added to check and install python if it is not installed. Refer to this solution - |
9 responses
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Jun 19, 2023 | very nice progression in the explanation! I like the practicality of the tasks | the "openstack" provider has been demoted(?) so the source "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack" has to be added to the configuration to make this work now. it would be nice if the cluster example worked with a plain centos7 image. there does not seem to be a condor package in plain centos7, so I guess it would have to be replaced by some other cluster service, e.g., haproxy and nginx. still, it was nice to see the NFS setup - although the automounter did not work for me, that's not the point of the tutorial. thanks! |
Jun 24, 2021 | realistc examples | More details regarding used scripts and templates |
Jun 20, 2020 | Basically I love all of them, It's simple, clear and easy to follow. | Would be nice to have more complex examples to follow, if that possible |
Dec 19, 2018 | Really detailed, could use it for my project for creating my project | maybe go deeper and show a template for a project |
14 responses
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Jul 31, 2024 | The real life experience | Error SSL uncert in my VM, as stated: |
Mar 17, 2022 | I would be great if it could explain how to run ephemeris from a different machine (for example my local machine) but deploying galaxy on the vm | |
Mar 14, 2022 | The slides gave a really useful overview of toolsheds and how to configure them. | It would be useful if the links to ephemeris commands would open in a new tab (I would prefer this for links in general but especially in this case as you have to do it in the middle of a task and it's not just further reading) |
Jun 29, 2021 | The practical approach | |
Jan 27, 2021 | easy to understand and follow | |
Jan 26, 2021 | It shows me a really easy way of installing tools from tool shed avoiding the use of the graphical interface. That is perfect when you need to install many tools at once. | It could be explained how to include this tasks in the ansible playbook (if possible) in the case of a full re-installation of Galaxy. Or maybe better separate the two steps... |
Jan 26, 2021 | all the examples worked | The flow of the tutorial feels awkward in places - you extract the workflow but then install a tool singly before going back to the extracted .yml to do a batch. Not directly related to this tutorial but coming from the previous Galaxy setup tutorials, I'm left thinking - what happened to Ansible and the concept of reinstalling the entire Galaxy in one playbook? |
Jan 26, 2021 | very beneficial pace! | |
Jan 26, 2021 | Everything, from top to bottom. |
35 responses
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Jul 26, 2024 | Make me to the point | Anyway, kinda stuck at some unexpected error en route (like my machine use python 3.12, hence lack 2to3 lib) |
Mar 14, 2023 | Everything <script>console.log("Helena Testing");</script> | |
Aug 30, 2022 | The instructions were clear and helpful (especially with the video alongside) | It would be super helpful if there were more subsection links! I set followed this tutorial to setup a server for my team, and when they had questions or wanted more info on why or how I did certain things it would have been nice to be able to link them more specifically to the step I wanted instead of the bigger section and then giving them key words to search for |
Jul 28, 2022 | relatively easy to follow, concept explanations are great | |
Jun 29, 2022 | tree -l 2 was helpful as otherwise unclear which file goes where | Current version of the tutorial is broken, consider rolling back to archive. Ansible errors very hard to troubleshoot - ideally add more tips where things can go wrong, for ex ansible vault seems to enter an unfixable state if you mess up the secret yml file and have to make it again |
Mar 18, 2022 | how seamless it was to deploy it | |
Mar 16, 2022 | Clear and structured - everything ran without issues on my machines | |
Mar 16, 2022 | the structure, it was very well organized | |
Feb 15, 2022 | Pretty simple step-by-step; A couple of syntax errors are included to make things "interesting" when trying to deploy. | Found another syntax error in the referenced tutorial: In the galaxy.j2 file, "location /_x_accel_redirect" should be "location /_x_accel_redirect/" |
Jan 15, 2022 | Code examples that you customize to your server set-up; hints and sidebars are very helpful; as is the in-depth explanation of what the code is doing. | One solution to errors that arise would be to try newer playbook versions. Although the tutorial cautioned that newer versions could create problems - in my case it solved problems. I found that the version of galaxyproject.galaxy used in the tutorial-- version: 0.9.16 was incompatible with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - resulting in a failure to install "futures". When I changed to the newest galaxyproject.galaxy version the problem was solved. |
Sep 14, 2021 | I think there is an error in the instructions around which galaxy release to use. step 9. Fails with a pip install error for attmap at galaxy dependency installation: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["/srv/galaxy/venv/bin/pip3", "install", "--index-url", "", "--extra-index-url", "", "-r", "/srv/galaxy/server/lib/galaxy/dependencies/pinned-requirements.txt"], "msg": "stdout: Looking in indexes:,\nIgnoring importlib-metadata: markers 'python_version < \"3.8\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring importlib-resources: markers 'python_version < \"3.7\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring pathlib2: markers 'python_version < \"3.6\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring ruamel.yaml.clib: markers 'platform_python_implementation == \"CPython\" and python_version < \"3.8\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring typing: markers 'python_version < \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring zipp: markers 'python_version < \"3.8\"' don't match your environment\nCollecting adal==1.2.4\n Using cached adal-1.2.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (55 kB)\nCollecting amqp==2.6.0\n Using cached amqp-2.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (47 kB)\nCollecting appdirs==1.4.4\n Using cached appdirs-1.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.6 kB)\nCollecting attmap==0.12.11\n Using cached attmap-0.12.11.tar.gz (9.9 kB)\n\n:stderr: ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:\n command: /srv/galaxy/venv/bin/python -c 'import io, os, sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '\"'\"'/tmp/pip-install-rswp62oy/attmap_d1e6f1f187954e539109df4d7760fde7/'\"'\"'; __file__='\"'\"'/tmp/pip-install-rswp62oy/attmap_d1e6f1f187954e539109df4d7760fde7/'\"'\"';f = getattr(tokenize, '\"'\"'open'\"'\"', open)(__file__) if os.path.exists(__file__) else io.StringIO('\"'\"'from setuptools import setup; setup()'\"'\"');code ='\"'\"'\\r\\n'\"'\"', '\"'\"'\\n'\"'\"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '\"'\"'exec'\"'\"'))' egg_info --egg-base /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-2gc_ov_9\n cwd: /tmp/pip-install-rswp62oy/attmap_d1e6f1f187954e539109df4d7760fde7/\n Complete output (1 lines):\n error in attmap setup command: use_2to3 is invalid.\n ----------------------------------------\nWARNING: Discarding (from Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.\nERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement attmap==0.12.11 (from versions: 0.1, 0.1.1, 0.1.2, 0.1.4, 0.1.5, 0.1.6, 0.1.7, 0.1.8, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.12.1, 0.12.2, 0.12.3, 0.12.4, 0.12.5, 0.12.6, 0.12.7, 0.12.8, 0.12.9, 0.12.10, 0.12.11, 0.13.0)\nERROR: No matching distribution found for attmap==0.12.11\n"} This occurs with galaxy_commit_id: release_20.09 (as per the instructions), but changing to release_21.05 makes the error go away. | |
Jul 1, 2021 | Simple and short and easy THX | |
Jun 28, 2021 | All points were very well explained | |
Feb 1, 2021 | Some good things to note and keep track of regarding moving to production, especially updating the version. | |
Feb 1, 2021 | Realy clear and solid explanations of how to use Ansible for Galaxy installation | |
Jan 27, 2021 | The clear explanation of every part of the roles, modules etc. What they do why they're there. Even if I wasn't interested in everything it's good to know that if I ever need that information I can look back to this tutorial | I don't know if it can be improved but the actual time of the tutorial is really long. After watching it, I totally understand why but if it could be something like 1 hour videos (or less) that would be less tiring. Of course I am fully aware that there is a broad range of topics that need to be covered. |
Jan 27, 2021 | the step by step exercises | for me as a noob some diagrams or schemes would often be helpful to see how things relate to each others |
Jan 25, 2021 | very easy to follow; excellent documentation | note about using non- let's encrypt certificate |
Jan 25, 2021 | very structured and understandable | templates/nginx/galaxy.j2 -> "uwsgi_pass" should not be configured statically and changed to a variable from the groups_vars if the port is changed there in the uwsgi variable settings |
Aug 10, 2020 | It is very practical tutorial | I had to change those two variables to make it work on my ubuntu machine: "virtualenv_command: pyvenv" as it also recommends in README but not the default in the galaxy role "__galaxy_mutable_config_dir: "{{ galaxy_root }}/var/config" " my Ansible didn't understand the previous line defined variable, so I had to define "__galaxy_mutable_config_dir" base on "galaxy_root" variable |
Jul 7, 2020 | In the nginx-part, the template needs an update to reflect 20.05 changes. The folder /blue doesnt exist anymore, its just "alias {{ galaxy_server_dir }}/static/style" # The style directory is in a slightly different location location /static/style { alias {{ galaxy_server_dir }}/static/style/blue; expires 24h; } | |
Jul 6, 2020 | In the section "Galaxy" we add uchida.miniconda which has to run as galaxy user and a few linse above is explained that a new user is created without sudo privileges for security reasons. The execution of uchida.miniconda with become: true and become_user: galaxy will fail, because this role requires sudo. I tried to install the dependencies tar and bzip2 in my playbook beforehand, but the role still requires sudo to check if the packages are installed. When i install the package with a root-user, it is possible to execute the /tmp/ file with the galaxy user. Not sure if other stuff works in miniconda too. Why does this role need to be executed as galaxy user? This is somewhat unclear and leads to an installation-error. | |
May 8, 2020 | The difference between galaxy_server_dir and galaxy_root is unclear. Should they be nested? Which of these is needed in a shared file-system? Maybe provide best-practice values for both, so it becomes more clear how they interact with each other. | |
May 5, 2020 | Tutorial includes code steps very clearly. | This is focused for paid distros. Centos 7/8 builds do not work due to package requirements and availability |
Mar 2, 2020 | Following the tutorial is pretty straightforward | It would be interesting to have a big picture of the processes / config files. Literally a big picture about which parts are we configuring and what are the implications. |
Mar 2, 2020 | exhaustive | it would be nice to go a bit slower during the Galaxy installation, it was quite quick ! |
Feb 14, 2020 | Everthing | |
Jul 1, 2019 | extremely well done - thank you training material authors and presenters | 1) ssh connection timeout is too short, disconnects while running playbooks. (2) sometimes the insertion point for yaml section in the exercices could be more explicit |
Jul 1, 2019 | I already followed this tutorial by my own before GCC. | I would add all the galaxy.yml and modify it instead of copy/paste some element in the playbook. For me, it's easier to get update shiped with each Galaxy update. |
Jul 1, 2019 | Very good step by step procedure. | perhaps more emphasis on some steps (geerlingguy.pip during supervisord) |
Jul 1, 2019 | well explained :) | sometimes it is not clear in the exercises which files have to be edited, or the code is not ready to copy-paste, which leads to misunderstandings. I would love to see the whole explanation of the variables of the config files you did (specially nginx) written down to check them when needed. |
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Nov 4, 2024 | clear and step by setp, but had to stop at Exploring the CVMFS Installation because it wasn't loading the cvmfs filesystem for | here is the output from autofs ( (manager 'default') switching proxy from (none) to DIRECT. Reason: set random start proxy from the first proxy group Nov 04 15:01:29 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1305995]: ( (manager 'default') geographic order of servers retrieved from Nov 04 15:01:29 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1305995]: ( (manager 'default') switching proxy from (none) to DIRECT. Reason: cloned Nov 04 15:01:30 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1305995]: ( CernVM-FS: linking /cvmfs/ to repository Nov 04 15:01:30 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1306050]: ( no public key loaded Nov 04 15:01:30 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1306050]: ( (manager 'default') switching proxy from (none) to DIRECT. Reason: set random start proxy from the first proxy group Nov 04 15:01:30 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1306050]: ( (manager 'default') switching proxy from (none) to DIRECT. Reason: cloned Nov 04 15:01:30 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1306050]: ( failed to download repository manifest (2 - malformed URL) Nov 04 15:01:30 csci-galactose cvmfs2[1306050]: ( Failed to initialize root file catalog (16 - file catalog failure) |
Jul 27, 2024 | The regular concise and easy to follow instruction | CVMFS error describe in: |
Mar 18, 2022 | Very clear! It's simple and very important to know | |
Mar 17, 2022 | the pace, simon explains everything really well and understandable | |
Mar 15, 2022 | Clear explanation of what CVMFS is for and how it works | |
Jun 29, 2021 | Very clear explanation | |
Jan 28, 2021 | CVMFS is a great addition both for Galaxy and in general. It was a great thing to know. | In the tutorial nothing. It's perfect. I would like CVMFS to include reference genomes indexed for methylation analysis (e.g. with Bismark). I dropped a question about it in slack as well. |
Jan 27, 2021 | very easy to follow and understand. | |
Jan 27, 2021 | This is really cool!!!! | For the most used datasets (for ex. hg38) could we have a local copy, or would that be irrelevant? Could you explain how to calculate a good cache space? If I use a cluster, will I need to configure this FS in each node (given that the folder is at / directly)? |
Jan 26, 2021 | Clear, straightforward, brief and complete | |
Jan 26, 2021 | You guys rock! this CVMFS thing is so coool! | |
Jul 4, 2019 | the samples are great and its great to have the copy capacity, but some of those copies could mess people up (ones with ..., snippets of yaml that start with ---, etc) |
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Jul 3, 2019 | this was way super cool | maybe specify that the parts in Setting admin... part 1 should go under the galaxy: heading for those not as familiar with galaxy configs? or can we assume they're all savvy? templates/deployment_web.yaml -> dash, not underscore |
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7 responses
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Jul 1, 2021 | Very clear, even though the material is complex | |
Jan 28, 2021 | This is a very well written tutorial. I really appreciated how we were shown ways to thoroughly check that rabbitmq was working as expected before moving on to the next step. | |
Jan 28, 2021 | Good detail | The tutorial assumes a bit more knowledge than a lot of the others so it won't be as useful for someone who comes to it stand-alone as a pulsar via ansible setup guide |
Jan 28, 2021 | This is amazing! | |
Mar 4, 2020 | Content | Maybe still take it slow when editing the various files. It's sometimes hard to follow with the numerous kind of configuration files. |
Mar 4, 2020 | Very comprehensive tutorial. Helped me a lot |
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Feb 5, 2021 | The simplicity | Add a short section on using nginx basic authentication to secure it from public eyes |
Jan 29, 2021 | quick and easy | Link to guide on how to secure it |
Mar 4, 2020 | Thanks to ansible, easy to install :) |
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4 responses
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Jul 1, 2021 | The installation part was very clear and good to follow | The Grafana part was difficult to follow because the version of the tutorial was different from the installed one |
Jan 29, 2021 | Ansible instructions worked | I found the content on Grafana and monitoring/alerts really confusing, it felt almost like it is for an older version of Grafana. |
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Jul 27, 2024 | Easy to follow | I meet the bug: Which fix by: `sudo apt install apptainer-suid fix the bug` Ref: Please kindly update some kind of install apptainer-suid in the ansbile role |
Mar 18, 2022 | Very simple and clear | |
Jun 29, 2021 | Very interesting, the step by step approach is very clear | |
Jan 27, 2021 | all of it! | maybe some notes about what may require proxies |
Jan 26, 2021 | Great clarity. Thorough tutorial, leaves no stones unturned | "Modify the file" parts (e.g. points 1. and 5. of "Hands-on: Configure Galaxy to use Singularity") are clear and a useful exercise to better understand the ansible and galaxy hierarchy, but if for some reason you made a mistake in a previous step, it could be useful to also have a snippet of the whole modified code to fasten the correction process and avoid backtracking. |
Jan 26, 2021 | Nice, easy to follow | I'm coming at this as a non-galaxy user so jumping straight into the interface was initially a bit confusing, a quick video tour of the Galaxy interface (~5 minutes) beforehand would have made this easier for me |
Jan 26, 2021 | Everything is great. | sysadmin part could be little bit slower, its hard to catch on for us who are not from purely IT background. |
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Jul 31, 2024 | This feature is really covenient in my case | I think what if you instruct us more about "non --legacy" case |
Jul 12, 2021 | very clear and straightforward. | |
Jun 29, 2021 | Very clear step by step | |
Jan 29, 2021 | There is a big chunk of the tutorial misssing from the video (the video is stuck in the setup stage). | |
Jan 27, 2021 | very helpful | some video issue around 8m |
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Jun 30, 2021 | Very clear explanations | |
Jan 28, 2021 | Easy and useful | Regarding 'expose_potentially_sensitive_job_metrics' , is there an option to expose different metrics for admins and general users? For example, creating different profiles in templates/galaxy/config/job_metrics_conf.xml.j2 |
Jan 27, 2021 | I really need this knowledge. | I have stuck in the part of editing templates/galaxy/config/job_conf.xml.j2 because some lines differ from the resulting file from previous session (namely singularity was set as default) and I had to compare the file showed in the video with the file I had. I took some time, but it worked at the end. It seems not so complicated now, but it will be when connecting to a living cluster. What happens when I have SLURM already configured at the server? And MUNGE (this guy made some nodes crash here because of very large log files), do I need to configure it in the cluster? It was not clear. |
Jan 27, 2021 | Easily digestible | |
Jan 27, 2021 | fantastic, incredibly helpful. trainer is really great. | Would like info on adding to existing clusters (ie., SGE, etc) |
Jan 27, 2021 | Just the right amount of content, Slurm is so large it would have been easy to get over complicated | Minor: the references to pulsar in the examples could be confusing, might be worth adding a warning for anyone who is going through this tutorial before the pulsar tutorial |
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Mar 17, 2022 | The existence of the dynamic job destinations | |
Jul 22, 2021 | Lots of detail and a selection of realistic examples | The directories "./templates/galaxy/dynamic_job_rules/" and "./templates/galaxy/tools/" should actually be under another directory "./files/galaxy/ ... " for the latest Ansible roles to work! |
Jun 30, 2021 | Great introduction and very useful starting point for beginning to apply these features | |
Jan 28, 2021 | This is a powerful way of controlling the resource usage according to tool requirements. | This task includes many layers of complexity. It would be nice if, at the beginning or ending of each subtopic the needed changes were pointed in the file tree. For example, using the 'tree' command and then highlight all the files that have to be created / edited for this feature to work. It is just for better visualization of the modifications. I get something useful when calling git status. |
Jan 27, 2021 | I feel like I understand how to manage this quite well now | The Python code and some of the xml seems to paste into the cli with loads of new tab characters, in vim I used ':set paste' to switch off auto indent. Doesn't happen with the yml though |
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Jul 2, 2021 | Clear explanation of the subject | object_store_config_file: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/object_store_conf.xml.j2" should be object_store_config_file: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/object_store_conf.xml" |
Jan 28, 2021 | Easy to add local storage, the dropbox integration is good | "Warning: switching object store types will cause issues" - suggest putting that at the top and emphasise that this is a tutorial that shouldn't be blindly followed on a proper install. The S3 section assumed quite a lot of knowledge - I didn't understand, but expect someone who manages data in an S3 bucket will! |