Development in Galaxy — Editorial Board Home

This is a new, experimental "Editorial Board Home" for a given topic. It is intended to provide a single place for maintainers and editorial board members to find out key information about their topic and identify action items.

Editorial Board

Gildas Le Corguillé avatar Gildas Le Corguilléorcid logoBérénice Batut avatar Bérénice Batutorcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche

Action Items

Item Status Why you should do this
Summary Done ✅ Provide a sufficiently detailed summary of the topic to let learners know what they're learning about in this topic.
Sufficient Editorial Board Members Done ✅ (3 members) Having multiple people sharing the burden of being responsible for a specific topic can reduce board member burn-out in the long term.
Enable Subtopics Done ✅ Subtopics help organize the content and make it easier to navigate.
Annotate Funders Pending ❌ By annotating the funders of your topic's materials, you make it easier to write your grant reports later
Learning Pathway CTA Pending ❌ By providing a Learning Pathway CTA, we can help guide learners to the best resources for learning about this topic.

Topic Materials

Material Contributions v2 help Pre-requisites help Follow up trainings Data on Zenodo Notebook Server Compatibility
Contributing a New Feature to Galaxy Core
Debugging Galaxy
Galaxy Code Architecture
Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy
Contributing to BioBlend as a developer
Scripting Galaxy using the API and BioBlend
Prerequisites for building software/conda packages
Tool Dependencies and Conda
Tool Dependencies and Containers
Adding and updating best practice metadata for Galaxy tools using the registry
Creating Galaxy tools from Conda Through Deployment
Galaxy Interactive Tools
Tool Shed: sharing Galaxy tools
Tool development and integration into Galaxy
ToolFactory: Generating Tools From More Complex Scripts
ToolFactory: Generating Tools From Simple Scripts
Generic plugins
JavaScript plugins
Data source integration
Galaxy Interactive Environments
Galaxy Interactive Tours
Galaxy Webhooks

Topic Workflows

Material Workflow Updated Version Tests Reports Comments

Your topic's Workflow Testing Results

Coming Soon™

Learning Pathways using materials from this Topic

Statistics for your Learning Pathways
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Events using materials from this Topic

TODO once this is merged:

Statistics For Your Materials

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