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Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster




last_modification Published: Jan 7, 2018
last_modification Last Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Galaxy Job Configuration

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Why cluster?

Running jobs on the Galaxy server negatively impacts Galaxy UI performance

Even adding one other host helps

Can restart Galaxy without interrupting jobs

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Correspond to job runner plugins in lib/galaxy/jobs/runners

.left[Plugins for:]

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Cluster library stack (DRMAA)

Cluster library stack

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Control how jobs are assigned to handlers (use db-skip-locked)

Can statically define handler configuration (uncommon)

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Formerly “Destinations”

Define how jobs should be run

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The default job configuration

    workers: 4

  default: local
      runner: local

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Job Config - Tags

Both environments and handlers can be grouped by tags

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Job Environment

env key in environments: configure the job execution environment

syntax function
- {name: NAME, value: VALUE} Set $NAME to VALUE
- {file: /path/to/file} Source shell file at /path/to/file
- {execute: CMD} Execute CMD

Source and command execution will be handled on the remote destination, don’t need to work on the Galaxy server

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Available limits

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Concurrency Limits

Available limits

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Shared Filesystem

Most job plugins require a shared filesystem between the Galaxy server and compute.

The exception is Pulsar. More on this in Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar.

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Shared Filesystem

Our simple example works because of two important principles:

  1. Some things are located at the same path on Galaxy server and node(s)
    • Galaxy application (/srv/galaxy/server)
    • Tool dependencies
  2. Some things are the same on Galaxy server and node(s)
    • Job working directory
    • Input and output datasets

The first can be worked around with symlinks, copies, or Pulsar embedded

The second can be worked around with Pulsar REST/MQ (with a performance/throughput penalty)

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Some tools can greatly improve performance by using multiple cores

Galaxy automatically sets $GALAXY_SLOTS to the CPU/core count you specify when submitting, for example, 4:

Tool configs: Consume \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4}

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Memory requirements

For Slurm and Gridengine only, Galaxy will set $GALAXY_MEMORY_MB and $GALAXY_MEMORY_MB_PER_SLOT as integers.

Other DRMs: Please PR the appropriate code.

For Java tools, be sure to set -Xmx, e.g.:

      runner: drmaa
        - name: '_JAVA_OPTIONS'
          value: '-Xmx6G'

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Run jobs as the “real” user

If your Galaxy users == System users:

See: Cluster documentation

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Job Config - Mapping Tools to Environments

Problem: Tool A uses single core, Tool B uses multiple

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Job Config - Mapping Tools to Environments


  default: singlecore_slurm
      runner: slurm

      runner: slurm
      native_specification: '--ntasks=4'
- id: hisat2
  handler: multicore_slurm

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The Dynamic Job Runner

For when basic tool-to-environment mapping isn’t enough

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The Dynamic Job Runner

A special built-in job runner plugin

Map jobs to destinations on more than just tool IDs

.left[Two types:]

See: Dynamic Destination Mapping

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Total Perspective Vortex (TPV)

Powerful, fully dynamic tool-to-environment mapping based on tool, user, resource requirements, tags, and more.

Discussed in detail in its own tutorial.

See also: TPV Documentation.

Arbitrary Python Functions

.left[Programmable mappings:]

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Key Points

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! page logo Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.