Oh no, it changed! Quick, to the archive menu.

new feature

Posted on: 1 June 2021 purlPURL: https://gxy.io/GTN:N00015

Did you ever start teaching a GTN tutorial, only to realise something changed recently? Oh no! A while ago the GTN created an Archive to address just this concern. On every tag, we’d build a copy of the website which we would place online and never touch again. This way we’d have permanent online copies so that if someone needed to go back to an older version of the GTN, they could.

However it was hard to reach and you had to know about it, so we’ve placed the links in the Extras Menu of every page. There you’ll find a list of the three most recent tags (automatically created monthly, and sometimes manually for big events) and a link to browse all tags in the archive. This should work on every page, however beware that it can direct you to pages that didn’t use to exist back then (like this news item!) so give it a test on one of the tutorials in the GTN’s library instead.

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