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Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Building Trees


last_modification Published: May 10, 2024
last_modification Last Updated: May 10, 2024

Why build trees?

The main reason we end up building a tree is that searching tree space for an optimal one takes too long when the number of taxa gets large.
.reduce70[ | n | # trees | yes, but how much is that really? | — |—|:–| | 3 | 3 | enumerable by hand | | 4 | 15 | enumerable by hand | | 5 | 105 | enumerable by hand on a rainy day | | 6 | 945 | enumerable by computer | | 7 | 10395 | still searchable very quickly on computer | | 8 | 135135 | a bit more than the number of hairs on your head | | 9 | 2027025 | population of Sydney living west of Parramatta | | 10 | 34459425 | \(\approx\) upper limit for exhaustive searching; about the number of possible combinations of numbers in the National Lottery | | 20 | \(8.2\times 10^{21}\) | \( \approx \) upper limit for branch-and-bound searching | | 48 | \(3.21 \times 10^{70}\) | \(\approx\) number of particles in the universe | | 136 | \(2.11 \times 10^{267}\) | number of trees to choose from in the ``Out of Africa’’ data¹ | ]

.footnote[ ¹ Vigilant et al., 1991 ]

Tree space is worse than “space” space

Hubble Space Telescope image of two colliding galaxies
NGC 2207 and IC 2163 galaxies colliding.
.footnote[Source:] —

Why should building work then?

Some parts of a phylogeny can be confidently accepted: when there are two species much more similar to each other than they are to any other species, we can confidently say that they are likely to be each other’s closest relatives, in the set of species of interest.

If molecular sequences evolve at a nice steady rate - the “molecular clock” hypothesis - and if there’s neither too little nor too much change, this can be good enough.

Distances from trees

Before we talk about building a tree from distances, we need to think about how distances are reflected by trees.

The most natural way to infer distances from trees is by adding the lengths of branches between each pair of nodes.

Such distances are called patristic distances (I don’t know why). —

Patristic Distances

Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. Described at 3:05 in the video recording.

Rooted binary tree with branch lengths

Patristic Distances

Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The distance between nodes f and g via the internal node c is highlighted with a red dotted line and annotated with the value 0.045. Described at 3:50 in the video recording.
Patristic distance between tips f and g is 0.02 + 0.025 = 0.045 —

Patristic Distances

Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The distance between nodes g and h via the internal nodes c and b is highlighted with a red dotted line and annotated with the value 0.07. Described at 4:03 in the video recording.
Patristic distance between tips g and h is 0.025 + 0.01 + 0.035 = 0.07 —

Patristic Distances

Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The distance between nodes e and f the internal node a, the root and internal nodes b and c is highlighted with a red dotted line and annotated with the value 0.085.Described at 4:10 in the video recording.
Patristic distance between tips e and f is 0.02 + 0.015 + 0.02 + 0.01 + 0.02 = 0.085

Tree-like distances are easy

A set of distances between the tips (taxa) that match the patristic distances of some tree is called tree-like.

Given tree-like distances, most tree construction methods will work.

Yes, most - not all!


The easiest possible distance data to work with are those where the distance from the root to every tip is the same.

Such trees (and the distances derived from them) are called ultrametric (that is, they have the same root-to-tip distance for every tip).


For example, suppose this is the true tree relating some species of interest, with actual branch lengths as labelled:

Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same. Described at 4:44 in the video recording.

These distances are ultrametric

.pull-left[ .image-90[ Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same. Described at 4:44 in the video recording. ] ] .pull.right[

These distances are ultrametric

.left-column40[ Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same. Described at 4:44 in the video recording. ] .right-column60[ Distance matrix: .center[ | | d | e | f | g | h | |:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:| |d | 0 | 0.07 | 0.1* | 0.1 | 0.1 | |e | 0.07 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |f | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.04 | 0.06 | |g | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.04 | 0 | 0.06 | |h | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.06 | 0.06 | 0 | ] .reduce70[* Note; this is twice the root-to-tip distance.] ]

.pull-bottom[ Any ultrametric tree satisfies the three-point condition (for rooted trees): for any three tips x, y, z, the larger two pairwise distances of D(x, y), D(x,z), D(y,z) will be equal. ]

These distances are ultrametric

.left-column40[ Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same. Described at 4:44 in the video recording. ] .right-column60[ Distance matrix: .center[ | | d | e | f | g | h | |:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:| |d | 0 | 0.07 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |e | - | 0 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |f | - | - | 0 | 0.04 | 0.06 | |g | - | - | - | 0 | 0.06 | |h | - | - | - | - | 0 | ]
Since this is a symmetric matrix we usually just show half of it… ]

These distances are ultrametric

.left-column40[ Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same. Described at 4:44 in the video recording. ] .right-column60[ Distance matrix: .center[ | | e | f | g | h | |:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:| |d | 0.07 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |e | - | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |f | - | - | 0.04 | 0.06 | |g | - | - | - | 0.06 | ]
… and only the non-zero entries. ]

The general approach

Flow chart illustrating how sequence alignment data or dis/similarity measures are used to calculate and calculate phylogenetic distances. Colours and shapes are used to differentiate different sections of the flowchart, guiding the viewer through each step from left to right. The flowchart begins with Sequence Alignment or Dis/Similarity Measures. These are used to form a distance matrix (D) which is used to select two nodes (x and y) forming a new node z. The distance matrix is updated with the new node z until no further nodes can be formed. Described at 8:20 in the video recording.

Our distances

Jukes-Cantor / JC69

This model has one single parameter, assuming that the base frequencies are each 25%: \(\pi_{A}=\pi_{G}=\pi_{C}=\pi_{T}=0.25\)

The rate matrix looks like this:
.image-40[ Rate matrix representing the Jukes Cantor model. The matrix has the nucleotides AGCT on both the x and y axis. The substitution rates are identical and represented by the character alpha. Asterisks are used as shorthand for values that make the row sums equal 0. Described at 11:31 in the video recording. ]
.reduce50[where the asterisk is a short-hand to make the row-sums equal 0.]

Under this model the expected number of substitutions between two sequences with a p-distance of \(p\) is \(\hat{d} = \frac{-3}{4}\ln\left(1-\frac{4}{3}p\right)\)

Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano / HKY85

This model allows for variation in nucleotide frequencies \(\pi_{A}, \pi_{G}, \pi_{C}, \pi_{T}\) as well as different transition/transversion rates using parameter \(\kappa\):

.image-40[ Rate matrix representing the HKY85 model. The matrix has the nucleotides AGCT on both the x and y axis. Variation in nucleotide frequencies πA; πG; πC; πT as well as different transition/transversion rates using parameter kappa. Described at 14:08 in the video recording. ]

This model also allows for a correction to turn relative observed numbers of substitutions between the different bases into expected total number of substitutions between two sequences, but it is much more complex.

From alignment to distances

.left-column50[ Screenshot from the program SeaView showing a multiple sequence alignment of Anolis species. DNA sequences are aligned vertically and nucleotides are colour coded. Aligned sites can be identified by solid lines of colour that run from top to bottom of the image. Full description included in the video recording at 40:06. ] .right-column50[ Figure representing a distance matrix (D) comparing sequences from A. acutus and A. aeneus.

Once the alignment is complete, each pair of sequences is compared to give an estimated distance between them: this forms the distance matrix for tree building. ] —


Ultrametric distances

The true tree

Schematic of an ultrametric phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same.

Original Distance Matrix

Distance matrix representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and h on a phylogenetic tree.

Original Distance Matrix

Distance matrix representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and h on a phylogenetic tree. The distance between g and f is highlighted in red and has a value of 0.04.

The letters d, e, f, g and h are equally distributed horizontally. They represent the tips of a phylogenetic tree. Described at 16:08 in the video recording.

The letters d, e, f, g and h are equally distributed horizontally at the bottom of the image. They represent the tips of a phylogenetic tree. An internal node c sits above the tips and is connected to nodes f and g. Described at 16:08 in the video recording.

The letters d, e, f, g and h are equally distributed horizontally at the bottom of the image. They represent the tips of a phylogenetic tree. An internal node c sits above the tips and is connected to nodes f and g. The distance from f to g via c is highlighted with a red dotted line and annotated with the value 0.04.Described at 16:08 in the video recording.

The distance between f and g D(f,g) is the sum of the branch lengths on the path between them. —

The letters d, e, f, g and h are equally distributed horizontally at the bottom of the image. They represent the tips of a phylogenetic tree. An internal node c sits above the tips and is connected to nodes f and g. The distance from f to g via c is highlighted with a red dotted line and annotated with the value 0.04. A blue dotted line represents the distance between f and h with the value 0.06. A green dotted line represents the distance between g and h with the value 0.06. Described at 16:08 in the video recording.

Similarly the distances D(f,h) and D(g,h) are the sum of branch lengths. —

The letters d, e, f, g and h are equally distributed horizontally at the bottom of the image. They represent the tips of a phylogenetic tree. An internal node c sits above the tips and is connected to nodes f and g. The distance from f to g via c is highlighted with a red dotted line and annotated with the value 0.04. A blue dotted line represents the distance between f and h with the value 0.06. A green dotted line represents the distance between g and h with the value 0.06. A brown line represents the path between c and h with the value 0.08. Described at 16:08 in the video recording.

\(\mathbf{D(c,h)} = \frac{D(f,h)+D(g,h)-D(f,g)}{2}\)

Forming the next Distance Matrix

We need to remove columns and rows f and g, and add new column and row c.

.image-75[ Distance matrix (D0) representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g on the y axis and e,f, g and h the x axis. Explanation provided at 19:00 in the video recording. ]

Forming the next Distance Matrix

The entries for D(f,d), D(g,d) etc get dropped.

.image-75[ Distance matrix D1 representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and c on the y-axis and nodes e, f, g, c and h on the x-axis.  Some values have been struck out to illustrate how a matrix is sequentially updated during the tree building process. Explanation provided at 19:00 in the video recording. ]

Forming the next Distance Matrix

We fill in the new entries using the formulae below:

.image-75[ Distance matrix D1 representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and c on the y-axis and nodes e, f, g, c and h on the x-axis.  Some values have been struck out or replaced with a formula to illustrate how a matrix is sequentially updated during the tree building process. Explanation provided at 19:00 in the video recording. ]

\(D(c,d) = \frac{1}{2}(D(f,d)+D(g,d)-D(f,g)) = \frac{1}{2}(0.1+0.1-0.04) = \mathbf{0.08}\) —

Forming the next Distance Matrix

We fill in the new entries using the formulae below:

.image-75[ Distance matrix D1 representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and c on the y-axis and nodes e, f, g, c and h on the x-axis.  Some values have been struck out to illustrate how a matrix is sequentially updated during the tree building process. The distance from d to c is highlighted and is 0.08. Explanation provided at 19:00 in the video recording. ]

\(D(c,e) = \frac{1}{2}(D(f,e)+D(g,e)-D(f,g)) = \frac{1}{2}(0.1+0.1-0.04) = \mathbf{0.08}\) —

Forming the next Distance Matrix

We fill in the new entries using the formulae below:

.image-75[ Distance matrix D1 representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and c on the y-axis and nodes e, f, g, c and h on the x-axis.  Some values have been struck out to illustrate how a matrix is sequentially updated during the tree building. The distances from d to c and e to c are highlighted and are 0.08. Explanation provided at 19:00 in the video recording. ]

\(D(c,h) = \frac{1}{2}(D(f,h)+D(g,h)-D(f,g)) = \frac{1}{2}(0.06+0.06-0.04) = \mathbf{0.04}\) —

Forming the next Distance Matrix

.image-75[ Distance matrix D1 representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, f, g and c on the y-axis and nodes e, f, g, c and h on the x-axis.  Some values have been struck out to illustrate how a matrix is sequentially updated during the tree building. The distances from d to c and e to c are highlighted and are 0.08. The distance between c and h is highlighted and is 0.04. Explanation provided at 19:00 in the video recording. ] —

Forming the next Distance Matrix

Completed new distance matrix:

.image-50[ Distance matrix D1 representing the evolutionary distance between nodes d, e, c,  and e, c and h on a phylogenetic tree. ]

Schematic of an ultrametric phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is the same. Node c is circled in red and annotated with the words ‘Found this!’.

Schematic of a phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a and b. Nodes c, d, e, and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species.

Now we have reduced the problem by one taxon / sequence: we repeat until we have just two more taxa to join and that will give us the root!

Non-clocklike trees

Losing the ultrametric property

Not perfectly clock-like

Now suppose this is the true tree relating some species of interest, with actual branch lengths as labelled:

Schematic of a rooted non-clocklike phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is not the same. Description from 21:08 in the video recording.

.left-column40[ Schematic of a rooted non-clocklike phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is not the same. Description from 21:08 in the video recording. ] .right-column60[ .image-75[ Distance matrix D from a non-clocklike phylogenetic tree comparing evolutionary distances between nodes d, e,f g on the y-axis and e, f, g and h on the x-axis. The smallest distance between e and h is highlighted and is 0.020. Description from 21:08 in the video recording. ]
The smallest distance doesn’t match a true pair of siblings. ]


Neighbo[u]r-Joining solves this problem by accounting for the net divergence of node from the rest, so if distances are tree-like, even if they’re not ultrametric, it will get the tree right.

The formula for net divergence, with n taxa (i.e., an n x n distance matrix) is

\(r\_{i} = \frac{1}{n-2}\sum\_{j\neq i}D(i,j)\)

And the adjusted distance becomes

\(D^{\ast}(i,j) = D(i,j) - r(i) - r(j)\)

Adjusted distance matrix

Net divergences: .center[ | \(i\) | \(r(i)\) | |:—:|:——:| | d | 0.075666 | | e | 0.050666 | | f | 0.065666 | | g | 0.072666 | | h | 0.047333 | ]
Adjusted Distances:
.image-50[ Adjusted Distance matrix D* from a non-clocklike phylogenetic tree comparing evolutionary distances between nodes d, e,f g on the y-axis and e, f, g and h on the x-axis. The values have been adjusted using the Neighbor-Joining method. Description from 24:03 in the video recording. ]

Schematic of a rooted non-clocklike phylogenetic tree containing internal nodes a, b, c. Nodes d, e, f, g and h form the tips. The branches of the tree are annotated with numbers that represent the evolutionary distance between species. The distance between the root and tip on all branches is not the same. The paths from d to e via a and f to g via c are highlighted in purple. Description from 24:03 in the video recording

#Realistic data

Losing tree-like distances

Anolis tree with uncorrected p-distances

Screenshot of a phylogenetic tree of Anolis species created in SplitsTree using uncorrected p-distances. The root of the tree is at the centre of the image and branches outward. There are a large number of very short branches near the centre of the tree.The branches are labelled with Anolis species names. Described from 28:44 in the video recording.

Anolis tree with JC69 distances

Screenshot of a phylogenetic tree of Anolis species created in SplitsTree using the Jukes Cantor model. The root of the tree is at the centre of the image and branches outward. The branches are labelled with Anolis species names. Described from 29:21 in the video recording

Anolis tree with HKY85 distances

Screenshot of a phylogenetic tree of Anolis species created in SplitsTree using the HKY85 model. The root of the tree is at the centre of the image and branches outward. The branches are labelled with Anolis species names. Described from 29:55 in the video recording


#Thank you!

Next - estimating trees from alignments

Thank you!

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