Transfer entire histories from one Galaxy server to another
Transfer a Single Dataset
At the sender Galaxy server, set the history to a shared state, then directly capture the galaxy-link link for a dataset and paste the URL into the Upload tool at the receiver Galaxy server.
Transfer an Entire History
Have an account at two different Galaxy servers, and be logged into both.
At the sender Galaxy server
- Navigate to the history you want to transfer, and set the history to a shared state.
- Click into the History Options menu in the history panel.
- Select from the menu galaxy-history-archive Export History to File.
- Choose the option for How do you want to export this History? as to direct download.
- Click on Generate direct download.
- Allow the archive generation process to complete. *
- Copy the galaxy-link link for your new archive.
At the receiver Galaxy server
- Confirm that you are logged into your account.
- Click on Data in the top menu, and choose Histories to reach your Saved Histories.
- Click on Import history in the grey button on the top right.
- Paste in your link’s URL from step 7.
- Click on Import History.
- Allow the archive import process to complete. *
- The transfered history will be uncompressed and added to your Saved Histories.
* For steps 6 and 13: It is Ok to navigate away for other tasks during processing. If enabled, Galaxy will send you status notifications.
tip If the history to transfer is large, you may copy just your important datasets into a new history, and create the archive from that new smaller history. Clearing away deleted and purged datasets will make all histories smaller and faster to archive and transfer!