Manipulating multiple history datasets

Explains how to manipulate multiple history datasets at once

You can also hide, delete, and purge multiple datasets at once by multi-selecting datasets:

  1. galaxy-selector Click the multi-select button containing the checkbox just below the history size.
  2. Checkboxes will appear inside each dataset in the history.
  3. Scroll and click the checkboxes next to the datasets you want to manage.
  4. Click the ‘n of N selected’ to choose the action. The action will be performed on all selected datasets, except for the ones that don’t support the action. That is, if an action doesn’t apply to a selected dataset, like deleting a deleted dataset, nothing will happen to that dataset, while all other selected datasets will be deleted.
  5. You can click the multi-select button again to hide the checkboxes.

Operating on multiple datasets

Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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