Using answer key histories

If you are struggling with a tutorial and you can’t figure out why, you can use the answer history (if it’s available) which is linked at the top of the tutorial.

  1. Select the Answer history and choose the appropriate link from the resulting drop-down menu.

  2. Import the history (If you aren’t sure how, go to the Import History FAQ) 3. Select View Here or otherwise navigate to the imported history. 4. Find the dataset that was not outputting for you. You might be able to sport errors from looking at this dataset - such as, you may see that a different tool version was used, or different parameters were run, or different inputs were used. You may find that the input dataset itself is different, and perhaps something has gone wrong earlier in the tutorial for you.

If you can’t find what has gone wrong, you can then: 5. [Ask for help] (/training-material/faqs/gtn/instructors_getting_help.html).

  1. Copy the necessary datasets over from the answer history into your history so that you can continue your analysis from wherever you got stuck!
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